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Auditions: November 14-15

Callbacks: November 16

*Auditions will start at 7pm

You may start arriving at 6:30pm

Where: The Paramount Theater of Burlington

128 E. Front Street

Burlington, NC 27215

Director: Nathalie Ray

Music Director: TBA

Choreographer: TBA

Stage Manager: TBA

Please prepare 32 bars of any contemporary Broadway song and also be prepared to read from the script. Character descriptions are below!

Auditions will be held at The Paramount Theater of Burlington on Monday November 14th and Tuesday November 15th at 7:00pm. Auditionees may begin signing in at 6:30pm. We can't wait to see you there!

Character Descriptions

The Family

Ellie Blake: our hero, 16, smart, funny;baggy, rumpled clothes;messy hair that hasn’t seen a comb today, or yesterday. Strong belter.

Katherine Blake: Ellie’s mother, decisive, lovely. Strong belter.


Fletcher Blake: Ellie’s brother, 10, eccentric, naïve;obsessed with his puppets. Tenor.


Mike: Katherine’s fiancé, confident, charming. Bari-tenor.


The Students

Gretchen: Ellie’s best friend-intense, emotional but lacks confidence


Hannah: also Ellie’s best friend-hacker-geek, nerdgirl


Adam: the Listmaker – a paragon of adorable cool. Tenor.


Savannah: the villain-brilliant, aggressive, a winner


Parker: best friends with Wells


Wells: best friends with Parker


Laurel: unimpressed with the world


The Adults

Torrey: Katherine’s assistant – high-strung perfectionist


Grandpa Gordon: Katherine’s father-grumpy, stubborn, old-school


Grandma Helene: Katherine’s mother-fiercely opinionated, because she cares


Danielle: Wedding Magazine journalist-polished, grimly cheerful


Louis: Wedding Magazine photographer-seen it all, loves his job


Dr. Ehrin: school counselor-test-obsessed and overworked


Mr. Blumen: Biology teacher-a cynical lifer


Pastor Bruno: cheerful and loves weddings


Mrs. Lukenbill: English teacher-empathetic


Senor O’Brien: Spanish teacher-pugnacious


Ms. Meyers: Gym teacher-extremely intense


Officers Sitz and Kowalski: police officers who are rough around the edges

Mrs. Time: antique shop proprietor-apathetic, does not like teenagers




Catering Staff, Students, Savannah’s Minions, Parents, Wedding Guests

*Some roles may double



Freaky Friday

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PO Box 2812
Burlington, North Carolina, 27216-2812

Gallery Players Online Copyright © 2021

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